BASE (Basal Access and Subglacial Exploration) Drill


Through iterative discussion between IDP and science community members, it has become clear that the drills in IDP inventory for retrieving rock cores from under 100 m and under 700 m of glacial ice are not optimal logistically for retrieving cores from under 200 m of ice, which is an important depth for understanding the first two feet of estimated sea level rise from current melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet. The IDP Long Range Science Plan 2022-2032 prioritized acquisition of a drill rig with increased agility and safety for retrieving rock core from beneath 200 meters of ice. IDP worked with community scientists and IDP engineers to develop the IDP Science Requirements for the BASE (Basal Access and Subglacial Exploration) Drill. With community enthusiasm and NSF support from both the Arctic and Antarctic sections, IDP was given approval in February 2022 to pursue the purchase of a 200 meter rock coring rig.

Current Status

IDP worked closely with vendor Multi-Power Products Ltd. (MPP) as they modified one of their commercial rigs to meet IDP operational, polar and logistics requirements. IDP engineers participated in regular virtual meetings with MPP and signed off on all designs and fabrication. In February 2024, two IDP engineers visited MPP in Kelowna, BC, Canada, to ensure all requirements and specifications had been met and received some operational training on the rig. The rig was subsequently shipped to IDP in March 2024. IDP engineers will design and fabricate auxiliary systems and components for drilling through ice, similar to equipment used with the ASIG Drill, such as an electronic pressure relief valve and equipment for processing ice chips and drilling fluid. IDP will also specify and procure all downhole tooling.

Equipment Details

Name BASE (Basal Access and Subglacial Exploration) Drill
Rock coring; ice coring/augering
Number in Inventory
Number in Inventory
Max. Practical Depth
Max. Practical Depth
Max. Practical Depth 200 m (maximum drilling depth through ice)
Hole Diameter
Hole Diameter
Rock Core Diameter
Rock Core Diameter
Rock Core Length
Rock Core Length
IDP Driller Required?
IDP Driller Required?
Drill Fluid Required?
Drill Fluid Required?
Trench Required?
Trench Required?


Power Requirements/Source
Power Requirements/Source
Estimated Drilling Time
Estimated Drilling Time


Time to Move (breakdown and setup)
Time to Move (breakdown and setup)
Helicopter Transportable?
Helicopter Transportable?
Light Aircraft Transportable?
Light Aircraft Transportable?
Shipping Weight
Shipping Weight


Shipping Volume (Cube)
Shipping Cube



Citation Year
Joerg M Schaefer, Jason Briner, Brent Goehring, Mary R Albert (2023) Science Requirements: BASE (Basal Access and Subglacial Exploration) Drill. 1-2. 2023


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