Following a multi-year delay due to the COVID pandemic, IDP resumed biennial meetings of its Technical Assistance Board (TAB) on March 22-23, 2023, at the Fluno Center in Madison, WI. After serving many years on the ICDS/IDDO/IDP Technical Assistance Board, Marshall Pardey rotated off the TAB in 2022. IDP welcomed two new TAB members in 2023. Chris Delahunty, Engineer/Owner of Matrix Drilling Products in Lewisburg, Tennessee, has a long history of working with IDP during the RAID and ASIG Drill development and testing days. Tim Lyons, Project Manager with the Australian Antarctic Program, has been collaborating with IDP in recent years as both Australia and IDP fabricate deep drilling systems (IDP Foro 3000). Twenty-four people participated in person and eight joined via Zoom. As with each TAB meeting, IDP gained very valuable feedback from board members on equipment development projects, ideas regarding new technologies in ice drilling and other fields, as well as input on field project logistics. The agenda and notes from the meeting are available on the TAB webpage of the IDP website.
Group photo from the 2023 Technical Assistance Board meeting in Madison, WI. IDP presented on the current status of IDP field projects and the current status of equipment in the IDP inventory. IDP gained very valuable feedback from the TAB members on equipment development projects, ideas regarding new technologies in ice drilling and other fields, as well as input on field project logistics. Fore more information about the TAB, visit Credit: Chelsea Dahmen.