German Intermediate Ice Core Drilling Since 1981: Technique and Experience

Title German Intermediate Ice Core Drilling Since 1981: Technique and Experience
Publication Type
Conference Proceedings
Author(s) Bassler KH , Kohnen H
Journal/ Publication
Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing)

The development of a Rufli type drill system for electromechanical ice coring, it's use at several locations in the Antarctic and future modifications based on experience during field work are outline. A short video record, taken during the German Antarctic Expedition in 1987 in the Ritscher Hochland and the Ekstrom ice shelf gives an impression of the drill procedure and occurring problems.

Special Collections International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology Series, 3rd International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology
Categories Drill Heads, Intermediate-/Medium-Depth Drills
Equipment Rufli-Rand EM Drill
Citation Bassler KH , Kohnen H ( 1988 ) German Intermediate Ice Core Drilling Since 1981: Technique and Experience. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing) , 3-5 .
Lead Author
Bassler KH