Heat generated by cutting ice in deep ice-core drilling

Title Heat generated by cutting ice in deep ice-core drilling
Publication Type
Journal Article
Author(s) Nobuhiko Azuma , Ikuo Tanabe, Hideaki Motoyama
Journal/ Publication
Annals of Glaciology

In order to understand and solve the 'warm-ice problem' in deep ice-core drilling, we applied the metal-cutting theory to ice and estimated the heat generated during ice coring taking into account the mechanical and thermal properties of the ice and cutters. We found that (1) most of the heat in cutting is generated by shear deformation at the shear plane of ice, and the heat could increase the chip temperature by several degrees; (2) the rake angle of the cutter has more influence on the temperature increase in chips than the barrel rotation speed and penetration pitch; (3) if the cutter is made of a material with larger thermal conductivity, the temperature increase in the chips can be reduced; and (4) if the density of the liquid is less than the density of ice, the cutting chips sink to the bottom and the friction heat generated by the drill head and slush can raise the ambient temperature of the drill head by several degrees.

Special Collections International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology Series, 6th International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology
Categories Deep Drilling, Drill Heads, Ice Cutting, Warm Ice
Citation Nobuhiko Azuma , Ikuo Tanabe, Hideaki Motoyama ( 2007 ) Heat generated by cutting ice in deep ice-core drilling. Annals of Glaciology , 47 , 61-67 . doi: 10.3189/172756407786857848
Lead Author
Nobuhiko Azuma