Ice drilling on Skytrain Ice Rise and Sherman Island, Antarctica

Title Ice drilling on Skytrain Ice Rise and Sherman Island, Antarctica
Publication Type
Journal Article
Author(s) Robert Mulvaney , Julius Rix, Scott Polfrey, Mackenzie Grieman, Carlos Martìn, Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles, Isobel Rowell, Rebecca Tuckwell, Eric Wolff
Journal/ Publication
Annals of Glaciology

To understand the long-term climate and glaciological evolution of the ice sheet in the region bordering the Weddell Sea, the British Antarctic Survey has undertaken a series of successful ice core projects drilling to bedrock on Berkner Island, James Ross Island and the Fletcher Promontory. A new project, WACSWAIN, seeks to increase this knowledge by further drilling to bedrock on two further ice rises in this region. In a single-season project, an ice core was recovered to bedrock at 651 m on Skytrain Ice Rise using an ice core drill in a fluid-filled borehole. In a second season, a rapid access drill was used to recover ice chips to 323 m on Sherman Island in a dry borehole, though failing to reach the bedrock which was at an estimated depth of 428 m.

Special Collections International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology Series, 8th International Ice Drill Symposium
Categories Intermediate-/Medium-Depth Drills
Equipment BAS EM Drills, Rapid Access Isotope Drill (UK RAID)
Citation Robert Mulvaney , Julius Rix, Scott Polfrey, Mackenzie Grieman, Carlos Martìn, Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles, Isobel Rowell, Rebecca Tuckwell, Eric Wolff ( 2021 ) Ice drilling on Skytrain Ice Rise and Sherman Island, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology , 62 , 85-86 , 311-323 . doi: 10.1017/aog.2021.7
Lead Author
Robert Mulvaney