The NorthGRIP deep drilling programme

Title The NorthGRIP deep drilling programme
Publication Type
Journal Article
Author(s) Dorthe Dahl‐Jensen , Niels S Gundestrup, Heinz Miller, Okitsugu Watanabe, Sigfús J Johnsen, Jørgen P Steffensen, Henrik B Clausen, Anders Svensson, Lars B Larsen
Journal/ Publication
Annals of Glaciology

The North Greenland Icecore Project (NorthGRIP) was initiated in 1995 as a joint international programme involving Denmark, Germany, Japan, Belgium, Sweden, Iceland, the U.S.A., France and Switzerland. the main goal was to obtain undisturbed high-resolution information about the Eemian climatic period (115–130 kyr BP). the records from the Greenland Icecore Project (GRIP) and Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) in central Greenland are different and disturbed down in the ice covering this period. Internal radio-echo sounding layers show that NorthGRIP, placed 325 km north-northwest of GRIP at the Summit of the Greenland ice sheet, is located on a gently sloping ice ridge with very flat bedrock and internal layers found so high that an undisturbed Eemian record is possible. Internal layers much farther above bedrock than their apparent counter parts at GRIP suggest that conditions are favourable for recovery of an undisturbed Eemian record. So far, a 1351 mdeep ice core (NorthGRIP1) and a 3001 mdeep ice core (NorthGRIP 2) have been recovered. the ice thickness is expected to be 3080 m, and the ice temperature at 3001 m is –5.6°C, so we expect basal melting at the bedrock. Most of the Eemian ice will be melted away, leaving only the last part and the transition between the Eem and the Last Glacial Period. At 3001 m the age of the ice is 110 kyr BP and the annual layers are of the order 1 cm.With modern methods the annual layers can be resolved, resulting in detailed information on the decline of the warm Eemian period into the Last Glacial Period.

Categories Deep Drilling
Equipment EPICA/NGRIP Drill
Citation Dorthe Dahl‐Jensen , Niels S Gundestrup, Heinz Miller, Okitsugu Watanabe, Sigfús J Johnsen, Jørgen P Steffensen, Henrik B Clausen, Anders Svensson, Lars B Larsen ( 2002 ) The NorthGRIP deep drilling programme. Annals of Glaciology , 35 , 1-4 . doi: 10.3189/172756402781817275
Lead Author
Dorthe Dahl‐Jensen