Foro Drill

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Citation Year
NSF Ice Drilling Program (2021) Foro 400 Drill Operations and Maintenance Manual. 1-42. 2021
Mary R Albert, Kristina R Slawny, Grant Boeckmann, Chris J Gibson, Jay A Johnson, Keith Makinson, Julius Rix (2020) Recent Innovations in Drilling in Ice. Chapter 6 of Advances in Terrestrial Drilling: Ground, Ice and Underwater, Bar-Cohen and Zacny, eds., 157-220.… 2020
Jay A Johnson, Matthew J Kippenhan (2017) DISC Drill vs. Foro 3000 Drill Analysis. 1-24. 2017
IDDO (2015) Foro Drill System Preliminary Engineering Design Review. 1-26. 2015