: SUBGLACIOR: An opticalanalyzer embedded in an Antarctic ice probefor exploring the past climate

Title : SUBGLACIOR: An opticalanalyzer embedded in an Antarctic ice probefor exploring the past climate
Publication Type
Journal Article
Author(s) Grilli R , Marrocco N, Desbois T, Guillerme C, Jack Triest, Kerstel E, Romanini D
Journal/ Publication
Review of Scientific Instruments

This article describes the advances made in the development of a specific optical spectrometer based on the Optical Feedback-Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy technique for exploring past climate by probing the original composition of the atmosphere stored in the ice sheet of a glacier. Based on significant technological progresses and unconventional approaches, SUBGLACIOR will be a revolutionary tool for ice-core research: the optical spectrometer, directly embedded in the drilling probe, will provide in situ real-time measurements of deuterium isotopic variations (δ2H ) and CH4 concentrations down to 3500 m of ice depth within a single Antarctic season. The instrument will provide simultaneous and real-time vertical profiles of these two key climate signatures in order to evaluate if a target site can offer ice cores as old as 1.5 million years by providing direct insight into past temperatures and climate cycles. The spectrometer has a noise equivalent absorption coefficient of 2.8 × 10−10 cm−1 Hz−1/2, corresponding to a detection limit of 0.2 ppbv for CH4 and a precision of 0.2‰ on the δ2H of H2O within 1 min acquisition time.

Categories Hot-Point Drills, Subglacial Access, Thermal Drilling
Equipment SUBGLACIOR probe
Citation Grilli R , Marrocco N, Desbois T, Guillerme C, Jack Triest, Kerstel E, Romanini D ( 2014 ) : SUBGLACIOR: An opticalanalyzer embedded in an Antarctic ice probefor exploring the past climate. Review of Scientific Instruments , 85 , 111301 , 1-8 . doi: 10.1063/1.4901018
Lead Author
Grilli R