Telemetering and Remote Control Circuits for a 4000 m Thermal Drill

Title Telemetering and Remote Control Circuits for a 4000 m Thermal Drill
Publication Type
Conference Proceedings
Author(s) Marec G , Marcel Maitre, Jean F Pinglot, Eric Lefebvre
Journal/ Publication
Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing)

Handling water make thermal drills rather tricky to use. People obtaining such a drill in very cold ice face with two main problems:

  • know at any time what is going on in the drill,
  • be able to operate from the control desk in surface a few apparatus located in the drill.

In order to improve reliability of our 4000 meters thermal drill, researches have been carried on about specific telemetering and remote control electronic circuits.

Purpose of this paper is to give a few informations about two tests systems designed in order to compare reliability, efficiency, implementation and use of two transmissions principles, one using a frequency division multiplexing and the other a time division multiplexing principles.

A third final system should be designed after the first field tests taking very likely into account both transmission principles.

Special Collections International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology Series, 3rd International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology
Categories Deep Drilling, Thermal Drilling
Equipment Electrothermal (ET/ETED/ATED) Drills
Citation Marec G , Marcel Maitre, Jean F Pinglot, Eric Lefebvre ( 1988 ) Telemetering and Remote Control Circuits for a 4000 m Thermal Drill. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing) , 72-85 .
Lead Author
Marec G