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Victor Zagorodnov, Lonnie G Thompson, Ellen Mosley-Thompson, John J Kelley (2002) Ice core drilling complications. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 196-205. 2002
Victor Zagorodnov, Lonnie G Thompson, Ellen Mosley-Thompson, John J Kelley (2002) Performance of intermediate depth portable ice core drilling system on polar and temperate glaciers. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 67-81. 2002
Victor Zagorodnov, Huffman F, Lonnie G Thompson, Ellen Mosley-Thompson (2002) Controller for portable intermediate depth ice core drilling system. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 321-325. 2002
Verkulich SR, Kudryashov BB, Barkov NI, Nikolay I Vasiliev, Vostretsov RN, Andrei N Dmitriev, Zubkov VM, Krasilev AV, Pavel Talalay, Volodya Ya Lipenkov, Savatyugin LM, Kuz'mina IN (2002) Proposal for penetration and exploration of sub-glacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 245-252. 2002
Robert Mulvaney, Steven Bremner, Andrew Tait, Neil Audley (2002) A medium-depth ice core drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 82-90. 2002
Shiro Kohshima, Takayuki Shiraiwa, Maria A Godoi, Keiji Kubota, Nozomu Takeuchi, Kunio Shinbori (2002) Ice core drilling on Southern Patagonia Icefield -Development of a new portable drill and the field expedition in 1999. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 49-58. 2002
Bruce R Koci (2002) Wotan: a drill for ice cube. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 209-216. 2002
Kinji Hyakutake, Atsushi Moribe, Atsushi Miyamoto, Kimiko Shimohara, Hitoshi Shoji (2002) Microscopic observations on microtomed surface of ice. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 295-301. 2002
Drucker C, Frank Wilhelms, Hans Oerter, Andreas Frenzel, Gernandt H, Heinz Miller (2002) Design, transport, construction, and operation of the summer base Kohnen for ice-core drilling in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 302-312. 2002
Michael Craven, Alan Elcheikh, Russell Brand, Nic Jones (2002) Hot water drilling on the Amery Ice Shelf - the AMISOR project. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 217-225. 2002
Erik W Blake, Buford Price (2002) A proposed sterile sampling system for Antarctic subglacial lakes. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 253-263. 2002
Victor Zagorodnov, John J Kelley, Nagornov OV (1994) Drilling of glacier boreholes with a hydrophilic liquid. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 153-164. 1994
Victor Zagorodnov, John J Kelley, Bruce R Koci (1994) Directional drilling. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 165-171. 1994
Victor Zagorodnov, John J Kelley, Lonnie G Thompson, Okitsugu Watanabe (1994) Continuous study of an ice core: ECM, Fine stratigraphy air bubbles and crystals. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 281-290. 1994
Nikolay I Vasiliev, Pavel Talalay (1994) Investigation of the ice cutting process by the rotary drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 132-137. 1994
Shuhei Takahashi, Nobuhiko Azuma (1994) Plan of Dome-F Station for deep ice-coring by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE). Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 386-395. 1994
Yosio Suzuki (1994) Development of Japanese mechanical drills-Personal reminiscences. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 1-4. 1994
Jakob Schwander, Heinrich Rufli (1994) Electromechanical drilling of a 300-m core in a dry hole at Summit, Greenland. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 93-98. 1994
Guocai Zhu, JianKang Han (1994) BZXJ Super Light Ice Core Drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 87-92. 1994
Zhengwen Wang, Jesse Collins, Scott L Huang (1994) Low power diamond rock coring parameters. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 99-112. 1994
Hideki Narita, Yoshiyuki Fujii, Yoshiki Nakayama, Kunio Kawada, Akiyoshi Takahashi (1994) Thermal ice core drilling to 700 m depth at Mizuho Station, East Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 172-183. 1994
Nagornov OV, Victor Zagorodnov, John J Kelley (1994) Effect of a heated drilling bit and borehole liquid on thermoelastic stresses in an ice core. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 314-326. 1994
Victor B Mimken, Kevin C Curtis (1994) Rapid deployment of camp facilities utilizing point-supported structures. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 377-385. 1994
Bruce R Koci (1994) The AMANDA Project: Drilling precise, large-diameter holes using hot water. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 203-211. 1994
Kenji Ishizawa, Akiyoshi Takahashi (1994) Borehole drilling for sewage disposal at Asuka Station, East Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 212-217. 1994
Niels S Gundestrup, Jørgen P Steffensen, Jakob Schwander (1994) The GRIP deep drilling camp. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 358-370. 1994
Shuji Fujita, Tomomi Yamada, Renji Naruse, Shinji Mae, Nobuhiko Azuma, Yoshiyuki Fujii (1994) Drilling fluid for Dome F Project in Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 347-357. 1994
Debendra K Das, S Srikanta Jois (1994) Thermal modeling of ice cores and boreholes via the finite element technique. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 256-280. 1994
Victor Zagorodnov (1988) Antifreeze-Thermodrilling of Cores in Arctic Sheet Glaciers. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 97-109. 1988
Bernhard Stauffer, Burkhalter J, Sigg A (1988) New Methods in Ice Core Processing. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 151-157. 1988
Claude Rado, Claude Girard, Jacky Perrin (1988) Electrochaude: Recent Development in Borehole Drilling. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 164-168. 1988
Olesen OB (1988) A Danish Contribution to the Family of Hot-Water Glacier Drills. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 140-148. 1988
Morev VA, Manevskiy LN, Yakovlev VM, Victor Zagorodnov (1988) Drilling with Ethanol-Based Antifreeze in Antarctica. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 110-113. 1988
Litvinenko VS (1988) Investigation of Ice and Rock Drilling by Melting. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 160-163. 1988
Karl C Kuivinen, Jay M Sonderup (1988) Electromechanical Ice Core Drilling Systems: A Discussion. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 54-56. 1988
Bruce R Koci (1988) New Directions in Drilling and Related Activities. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 21-23. 1988
Bruce R Koci (1988) Design of a Drill to Work in a Fluid Filled Hole. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 28-31. 1988
Bruce R Koci (1988) A Deep Hot Water Drill System with Potential for Bottom Sampling. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 137-139. 1988
Iken A, Keith Echelmeyer, William D Harrison (1988) A Light-Weight Hot Water Drill for Large Depth: Experiences with Drilling on Jakobshavns Glacier, Greenland. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 123-136. 1988
Walter H Hancock, Bruce R Koci (1988) Ice Drilling Instrumentation. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 38-50. 1988
Niels S Gundestrup, Steffen B Hansen, Sigfús J Johnsen (1988) Refinements of the UCPH Shallow Drill. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 6-13. 1988
Niels S Gundestrup (1988) Hole Liquids. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 51-53. 1988
David M Etheridge, Wookey CW (1988) Ice Core Drilling at a High Accumulation Area of Law Dome, Antarctica, 1987. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 86-96. 1988
Henrik B Clausen, Niels S Gundestrup, Steffen B Hansen, Sigfús J Johnsen (1988) Performance of the UCPH Shallow - And Hand Augers. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 14-20. 1988
Claude F Boutron, Clair C Paterson, Barkov NI (1988) Assessing the Quality of Thermally Drilled Deep Antarctic Ice Cores for Trace Elements Analysis. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 182-197. 1988
Bassler KH, Heinz Miller (1988) Evaluation of Hot Water Drills. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 116-122. 1988
Bassler KH, Kohnen H (1988) German Intermediate Ice Core Drilling Since 1981: Technique and Experience. Ice Core Drilling. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology (eds C. Rado and D. Beaudoing), 3-5. 1988
Verrall R, Baade D (1984) A Simple Hot-Water Drill for Penetrating Ice Shelves. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop/Symposium on Ice Drilling Technology (eds G. Holdsworth, K.C. Kuivinen and J.H. Rand), CRREL Special Report 84-34, 87-94. 1984
Philip L Taylor (1984) A Hot Water Drill for Temperate Ice. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop/Symposium on Ice Drilling Technology (eds G. Holdsworth, K.C. Kuivinen and J.H. Rand), CRREL Special Report 84-34, 105-117. 1984
Yosio Suzuki (1984) Light Weight Electro-Mechanical Drills. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop/Symposium on Ice Drilling Technology (eds G. Holdsworth, K.C. Kuivinen and J.H. Rand), CRREL Special Report 84-34, 33-40. 1984