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Citation Year
Simon G Sheldon, Trevor J Popp, Steffen B Hansen, Steffen B Hansen (2014) Promising new borehole liquids for ice-core drilling on the East Antarctic high plateau. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (68), 260-270. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A043. 2014
Simon G Sheldon, Steffen B Hansen, Steffen B Hansen, Trevor J Popp, Sigfús J Johnsen (2014) The investigation and experience of using ESTISOL™ 240 and COASOL™ for ice-core drilling. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (68), 219-232. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A036. 2014
Alexander J Shturmakov, Donald A Lebar, Charles R Bentley (2014) DISC drill and replicate coring system: a new era in deep ice drilling engineering. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (68), 189-198. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A017. 2014
Martin J Siegert, Keith Makinson, David Blake, Matt Mowlem, Neil Ross (2014) An assessment of deep hot-water drilling as a means to undertake direct measurement and sampling of Antarctic subglacial lakes: experience and lessons learned from the Lake Ellsworth field season 2012/13. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (65), 59-73. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG65A008. 2014
Kristina R Slawny, Jay A Johnson, Nicolai B Mortensen, Chris J Gibson, Joshua J Goetz, Alexander J Shturmakov, Donald A Lebar, Anthony W Wendricks (2014) Production drilling at WAIS Divide. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (68), 147-155. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A018. 2014
Joseph M Souney, Mark S Twickler, Geoffrey M Hargreaves, Brian M Bencivengo, Matthew J Kippenhan, Jay A Johnson, Eric D Cravens, Peter D Neff, Richard M Nunn, Anais J Orsi, Trevor J Popp, John F Rhoades, Bruce H Vaughn, Donald E Voigt, Gifford J Wong, Kendrick C Taylor (2014) Core handling and processing for the WAIS Divide ice-core project. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (68), 15-26. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A008. 2014
William C Stone, Bart Hogan, Vickie Siegel, Lelievre S, Chris Flesher (2014) Progress towards an optically powered cryobot. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (65), 1-13. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG65A200. 2014
John Stone, Jaakko Putkonen, Edward Brook, IDPO (2014) Science Requirements: Agile Sub-Ice Geological Drill. 1-2. 2014
Pavel Talalay, Xiaopeng Fan, Zhichuan Zheng, Jun Xue, Pinlu Cao, Nan Zhang, Rusheng Wang, Dahui Yu, Chengfeng Yu, Yunlong Zhang, Qi Zhang, Kai Su, Dongdong Yang, Jiewei Zhan (2014) Anti-torque systems of electromechanical cable-suspended drills and test results. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (68), 207-218. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A025. 2014
Pavel Talalay (2014) Drill heads of the deep ice electromechanical drills. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 97, 41-56. doi: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2013.09.009. 2014
Pavel Talalay, Xiaopeng Fan, Huiwen Xu, Dahui Yu, Lili Han, Junjie Han, Youhong Sun (2014) Drilling fluid technology in ice sheets: Hydrostatic pressure and borehole closure considerations. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 98, 47-54. doi: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2013.10.012. 2014
Pavel Talalay, Zhengyi Hu, Huiwen Xu, Dahui Yu, Lili Han, Junjie Han, Lili Wang (2014) Environmental considerations of low-temperature drilling fluids. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (65), 31-40. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG65A226. 2014
Pavel Talalay (2014) Perspectives for development of ice-core drilling technology: a discussion. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (68), 339-350. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A007. 2014
Pavel Talalay, Victor Zagorodnov, Alexey Markov, Mikhail Sysoev, Hong J (2014) Recoverable autonomous sonde (RECAS) for environmental exploration of Antarctic subglacial lakes: general concept. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (65), 23-30. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG65A003. 2014
Jack Triest, Olivier Alemany (2014) Drill fluid selection for the SUBGLACIOR probe: a review of silicone oil as a drill fluid. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (68), 311-321. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A028. 2014
Jack Triest, Robert Mulvaney, Olivier Alemany (2014) Technical innovations and optimizations for intermediate ice-core drilling operations. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (68), 243-252. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A049. 2014
Slawek Tulaczyk, Jill Mikucki, Matthew R Siegfried, John C Priscu, C Grace Barcheck, Lucas H Beem, Alberto Behar, Justin Burnett, Brent C Christner, Andrew T Fisher, Helen A Fricker, Kenneth D Mankoff, Ross D Powell, Frank R Rack, Daniel Sampson, Reed P Scherer, Susan Y Schwartz, The Wissard Science Team (2014) WISSARD at Subglacial Lake Whillans, West Antarctica: scientific operations and initial observations. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (65), 51-58. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG65A009. 2014
Frank Wilhelms, Heinz Miller, Michael D Gerasimoff, Cord Drücker, Andreas Frenzel, Diedrich Fritzsche, Hannes Grobe, Steffen B Hansen, Sverrir Æ Hilmarsson, Georg Hoffmann, Kerstin Hörnby, Andrea Jaeschke, Steinunn S Jakobsdóttir, Paul Juckschat, Achim Karsten, Lorenz Karsten, Patrik R Kaufmann, Torbjörn Karlin, Eberhard Kohlberg, Guido Kleffel, Anja Lambrecht, Astrid Lambrecht, Gunther Lawer, Ivan Schärmeli, Jochen Schmitt, Simon G Sheldon, Morimasa Takata, Marcus Trenke, Birthe Twarloh, Fernando Valero-Delgado, Dorothee Wilhelms-Dick (2014) The EPICA Dronning Maud Land deep drilling operation. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (68), 355-366. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A189. 2014
Huiwen Xu, Lili Han, Pinlu Cao, Mingyi Guo, Junjie Han, Dahui Yu, Pavel Talalay (2014) Low-molecular-weight, fatty-acid esters as potential low-temperature drilling fluids for ice coring. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (68), 44-52. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A003. 2014
Victor Zagorodnov, Tyler S, David Holland, Stern A, Lonnie G Thompson, Sladek C, Kobs S, Nicolas JP (2014) New technique for access-borehole drilling in shelf glaciers using lightweight drills. Journal of Glaciology, 60, (223), 935-944. doi: 10.3189/2014JoG13J211. 2014
Victor Zagorodnov, Lonnie G Thompson (2014) Thermal electric ice-core drills: history and new design options for intermediate-depth drilling. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (68), 322-330. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A012. 2014
Nan Zhang, Chunlei An, Xiaopeng Fan, Guitao Shi, Chuanjin Li, Jingfeng Liu, Zhengyi Hu, Pavel Talalay, Youhong Sun, Yuansheng Li (2014) Chinese First Deep Ice-Core Drilling Project DK-1 at Dome A, Antarctica (2011-2013): progress and performance. Annals of Glaciology, 55, (68), 88-98. doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A006. 2014
Esti Chem A/S (2013) ESTISOL 140 Safety Data Sheet (14.01.2013). 1-5. 2013
Kenneth Hughes, Pat Langhorne, Michael Williams (2013) Estimates of the refreezing rate in an ice-shelf borehole. Journal of Glaciology, 59, (217), 938-948. doi: 10.3189/2013JoG12J117. 2013
IDDO (2013) Intermediate Depth Drill Final System Engineering Design Review (20 March 2013). 1-87. 2013
IDDO (2013) Technical Advisory Board 2013 Meeting: Agenda and Minutes. 2013
Jean Jouzel (2013) A brief history of ice core science over the last 50 yr. Climate of the Past, 9, 2525-2547. doi: 10.5194/cp-9-2525-2013. 2013
PIs on the: Collaborative Research: A 1500-meter ice core from the South Pole project (2013) Rationale for Use of ESTISOL 140 as Drilling Fluid for the South Pole Ice Core. 1. 2013
John C Priscu, Amanda M Achberger, Joel E Cahoon, Brent C Christner, Robert L Edwards, Warren L Jones, Alexander B Michaud, Matthew R Siegfried, Mark L Skidmore, Robert H Spigel, Gregg W Switzer, Slawek Tulaczyk, Trista J Vick-Majors (2013) A microbiologically clean strategy for access to the Whillans Ice Stream subglacial environment. Antarctic Science, 25, (2), 637-647. doi: 10.1017/S0954102013000035. 2013
Science Advisory Board (2013) Science Advisory Board 2013 Meeting: Agenda. 2013
Jørgen P Steffensen (2013) Drilling a deep ice core at the NEEM site in Greenland. PAGES news, 21, 6-7. 2013
Pavel Talalay, Alexey Markov, Mikhail Sysoev (2013) New Frontiers of Antarctic Subglacial Lakes Exploration. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 6, (1), 14-28. doi: 10.24057/2071-9388-2013-6-1-52-59. 2013
Pavel Talalay (2013) Subglacial till and bedrock drilling. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 86, 142-166. doi: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2012.08.009. 2013
Warming E, Anders Svensson, Paul Vallelonga, Bigler M (2013) A technique for continuous detection of drill liquid in ice cores. Journal of Glaciology, 59, (215), 503-506. doi: 10.3189/2013JoG12J124. 2013
Nancy Bertler, Edward Brook, Amaelle Landais, Bradley Markle, Valerie Masson-Delmotte, Eric Wolff (2012) White paper: Terminations and seesaws: an ice core contribution to understanding orbital and millennial scale climate change. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, 1-4. 2012
Mario P Brito, Griffiths G, Matt Mowlem (2012) Exploring Antarctic subglacial lakes with scientific probes: a formal probabilistic approach for operational risk management. Journal of Glaciology, 58, (212), 1085-1097. doi: 10.3189/2012JoG12J007. 2012
Esti Chem A/S (2012) ESTISOL 140: Polymer Compatibility - Synthetic Esters. 1-2. 2012
Esti Chem A/S (2012) Product Information: ESTISOL 140 Synthetic ester. 1. 2012
Michael D Gerasimoff, IDDO, John W Goodge (2012) Rapid Access Ice Drill: A Drilling System Equipped for Rapid Transit over Glacial Ice, Equipped for On-the-Fly Ice Coring and Subglacial Rock Coring, and Suitable for Regional Geological Mapping and Glaciology. 1-5. 2012
Bryn Hubbard, Jean-Louis Tison, Frank Pattyn, Marie Dierckx, Thierry Boereboom, Denis Samyn (2012) Optical-televiewer-based identification and characterization of material facies associated with an Antarctic ice-shelf rift. Annals of Glaciology, 53, (60), 137-146. doi: 10.3189/2012AoG60A045. 2012
IDDO (2012) Intermediate Depth Drill Science Review (17 October 2012). 1-61. 2012
IDDO (2012) Technical Advisory Board 2012 Meeting: Agenda and Minutes. 2012
IDPO-IDDO (2012) Intermediate Depth Drill Development: Summary Document April 2012. 1-63. 2012
Lee Michaelides (2012) Inventions: Thermoblast Flame-Jet Drill. Dartmouth Engineer Magazine,… 2012
Erin Pettit, Ryan Bay, Gary D Clow, IDPO (2012) Science Requirements for a Deep Logging Winch. 1-4. 2012
Science Advisory Board (2012) Science Advisory Board 2012 Meeting: Agenda, Minutes, and Presentations. 2012
Martin J Siegert, Rachel J Clarke, Matt Mowlem, Neil Ross, Christopher S Hill, Andrew Tait, Dominic A Hodgson, John Parnell, Martyn Tranter, David Pearce, Michael J Bentley, Charles Cockell, Maria‐Nefeli Tsaloglou, Andrew M Smith, John Woodward, Mario P Brito, Edward Waugh (2012) Clean access, measurement, and sampling of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake: A method for exploring deep Antarctic subglacial lake environments. Reviews of Geophysics, 50, (RG1003), 1-40. doi: 10.1029/2011RG000361. 2012
Jørgen P Steffensen, Lars B Larsen, Dorthe Dahl‐Jensen (2012) Field season report 2012. North Greenland Eemian Ice drilling (NEEM) 2007‐2012: Final basal ice drilling, shallow coring, support of associated projects and camp CLOSE DOWN.. 1-171. 2012
Pavel Talalay (2012) Drill Heads of the Deep Ice Electromechanical Drills. Technical Report PRC 12-03, Polar Research Center, Jilin University, China, 1-39. 2012
Pavel Talalay (2012) Review of Subglacial Till and Bedrock Drilling. Technical Report PRC 12-02, Polar Research Center, Jilin University, China, 1-60. 2012