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Citation | Year |
Dave Giles (1994) Washington USGS Thermal Drilling Project on the South Cascade Glacier 1994 48°20'52"N, 121°03'01"W. PICO OR-94-04, 1-9. | 1994 |
Thomas A Gosink, John J Kelley, Mark A Tumeo, Bruce R Koci, Kerry L Stanford, Victor Zagorodnov, Ehlert G (1994) Fluids for use in deep ice-core drilling. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 335-346. | 1994 |
Niels S Gundestrup, Henrik B Clausen, Steffen B Hansen, Sigfús J Johnsen (1994) Hole liquids and gaskets for the ISTUK deep ice core drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 327-334. | 1994 |
Niels S Gundestrup, Jørgen P Steffensen, Jakob Schwander (1994) The GRIP deep drilling camp. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 358-370. | 1994 |
Niels S Gundestrup, Henrik B Clausen, B Lyle Hansen (1994) The UCPH borehole logger. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 224-233. | 1994 |
Walter H Hancock (1994) Instrumentation for the PICO deep ice coring drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 69-77. | 1994 |
B Lyle Hansen, John R Kelty (1994) A New Short Borehole Logging Tool. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 218-223. | 1994 |
B Lyle Hansen (1994) Deep Core Drilling in Ice. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 5-8. | 1994 |
Kenji Ishizawa, Akiyoshi Takahashi (1994) Borehole drilling for sewage disposal at Asuka Station, East Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 212-217. | 1994 |
Sigfús J Johnsen, Niels S Gundestrup, Steffen B Hansen, Jakob Schwander, Heinrich Rufli (1994) The new improved version of the ISTUK ice core drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 9-23. | 1994 |
John J Kelley, Kerry L Stanford, Bruce R Koci, Mark A Wumkes, Victor Zagorodnov (1994) Ice coring and drilling technologies developed by the Polar Ice Coring Office. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 24-40. | 1994 |
John J Kelley (1994) Status of Logistics Systems Development (VALIS). PICO CP-94-01, 1-11. | 1994 |
Bruce R Koci (1994) The AMANDA Project: Drilling precise, large-diameter holes using hot water. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 203-211. | 1994 |
Bruce R Koci, Victor Zagorodnov (1994) The Guliya Ice Cap, China: Retrieval and return of a 308-m ice core from 6200 m altitude. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 371-376. | 1994 |
Kudryashov BB, Nikolay I Vasiliev, Pavel Talalay (1994) KEMS-112 electromechanical ice core drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 138-152. | 1994 |
Keith Makinson (1994) BAS hot water drilling on Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 192-202. | 1994 |
Victor B Mimken, Kevin C Curtis (1994) Rapid deployment of camp facilities utilizing point-supported structures. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 377-385. | 1994 |
Vin I Morgan, Wehrle E, Fleming A, Richardson M, Alan Elcheikh, Russell Brand (1994) Technical aspects of deep ice drilling on Law Dome. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 78-86. | 1994 |
Nagornov OV, Victor Zagorodnov, John J Kelley (1994) Effect of a heated drilling bit and borehole liquid on thermoelastic stresses in an ice core. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 314-326. | 1994 |
Hideki Narita, Kunio Shinbori, Yuji Kodama (1994) An experiment on ice cutting under high liquid pressure and low temperature. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 124-131. | 1994 |
Hideki Narita, Yoshiyuki Fujii, Yoshiki Nakayama, Kunio Kawada, Akiyoshi Takahashi (1994) Thermal ice core drilling to 700 m depth at Mizuho Station, East Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 172-183. | 1994 |
Renji Naruse, Kunio Shinbori, Nobuhiko Azuma, Hideharu Saito, Masaki Nagatuka (1994) Borehole logging device at Dome F, Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 241-246. | 1994 |
Nixforf U, Hans Oerter, Heinz Miller (1994) First access to the ocean beneath Ekströmisen, Antarctica, by means of hot-water drilling. Annals of Glaciology, 20, 110-114. doi: 10.3189/1994AoG20-1-110-114. | 1994 |
Polar Ice Coring Office - Logistics Department (1994) Facilities and Services Manual for the 1994 Land, Atmosphere, and Ice Interactions Flux Study. PICO OR-94-01, 1-24. | 1994 |
Polar Ice Coring Office (1994) PICO Bulletin. PICO Bulletin, 4, 1-24. | 1994 |
Polar Ice Coring Office (1994) The 1993 Greenland Field Season After Operations Report For NSF-Sponsored Projects. PICO OR-93-04, 1-23. | 1994 |
Charlie F Raymond, Rogers JC, Philip L Taylor, Bruce R Koci (1994) Vertical strain measurement in core holes. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 234-240. | 1994 |
Jakob Schwander, Heinrich Rufli (1994) Electromechanical drilling of a 300-m core in a dry hole at Summit, Greenland. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 93-98. | 1994 |
Hitoshi Shoji, Hideki Narita, Yoshiyuki Fujii, Kokichi Kamiyama, Nobuhiko Azuma (1994) Ice core processing at Dome F, Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 291-297. | 1994 |
Kerry L Stanford (1994) Future technical developments for the Polar Ice Coring Office 13.2 cm ice coring drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 57-68. | 1994 |
Yosio Suzuki (1994) Development of Japanese mechanical drills-Personal reminiscences. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 1-4. | 1994 |
Shuhei Takahashi, Nobuhiko Azuma (1994) Plan of Dome-F Station for deep ice-coring by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE). Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 386-395. | 1994 |
Yoichi Tanaka, Akiyoshi Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Fujii, Hideki Narita, Kunio Shinbori, Nobuhiko Azuma, Okitsugu Watanabe (1994) Development of a JARE deep ice core drill system. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 113-123. | 1994 |
Tchistiakov VK, Kracile A, Volodya Ya Lipenkov, Balestrieri JPh, Claude Rado, Jean R Petit (1994) Behavior of a deep hole drilled in ice at Vostok Station. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 247-255. | 1994 |
Tsutomu Uchida, Paul Duval, Volodya Ya Lipenkov, Takeo Hondoh, Shinji Mae, Hitoshi Shoji (1994) Brittle zone and air-hydrate formation in polar ice sheets. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 298-305. | 1994 |
Tsutomu Uchida, Takeo Hondoh, Shinji Mae, Hitoshi Shoji, Nobuhiko Azuma (1994) Optimized storage condition of deep ice core samples from the viewpoint of air-hydrate analysis. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 306-313. | 1994 |
Nikolay I Vasiliev, Pavel Talalay (1994) Investigation of the ice cutting process by the rotary drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 132-137. | 1994 |
Zhengwen Wang, Jesse Collins, Scott L Huang (1994) Low power diamond rock coring parameters. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 99-112. | 1994 |
Mark A Wumkes (1994) Development of the U.S. deep coring ice drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 41-51. | 1994 |
Mark A Wumkes (1994) Operational considerations of the U. S. deep coring ice drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 52-56. | 1994 |
Victor Zagorodnov, John J Kelley, Lonnie G Thompson, Okitsugu Watanabe (1994) Continuous study of an ice core: ECM, Fine stratigraphy air bubbles and crystals. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 281-290. | 1994 |
Victor Zagorodnov, John J Kelley, Bruce R Koci (1994) Directional drilling. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 165-171. | 1994 |
Victor Zagorodnov, John J Kelley, Nagornov OV (1994) Drilling of glacier boreholes with a hydrophilic liquid. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 153-164. | 1994 |
Victor Zagorodnov, Morev VA, Nagornov OV, John J Kelley, Thomas A Gosink, Bruce R Koci (1994) Hydrophilic liquid in glacier boreholes. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 22, 243-251. doi: 10.1016/0165-232X(94)90003-5. | 1994 |
Guocai Zhu, JianKang Han (1994) BZXJ Super Light Ice Core Drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 87-92. | 1994 |
GISP2 Science Management Office (1993) GISP2 Notebook, No. 3. 1-14. | 1993 |
Walter H Hancock (1993) Instrumentation for the PICO Deep Ice Coring Drill. PICO CP-93-16, 1-10. | 1993 |
Neil Humphrey, Barclay Kamb, Mark Fahnestock, Hermann F Engelhardt (1993) Characteristics of the bed of the Lower Columbia Glacier, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, (B1), 837-846. doi: 10.1029/92JB01869. | 1993 |
Sam Lamont, Jay Klinck, Mark A Wumkes (1993) The 1992 Greenland Field Season After Operations Report For NSF-Sponsored Projects. PICO OR-93-02, 1-34. | 1993 |
Fucheng Li (1993) Analysis of Melt Water Freezing in the Ice Borehole. PICO TR-93-02, 1-20. | 1993 |