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Displaying 401 - 450 of 710
Citation Year
Koji Fujita, Fumio Nakazawa, Nozomu Takeuchi, Masayoshi Nakawo, Burbal Rana, Nobuhiko Azuma, Yoshiyuki Fujii (2002) Ice core drilling on the southern slope of the Nepal Himalayas. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 59-66. 2002
Shuji Fujita, Nobuhiko Azuma, Yoshiyuki Fujii, Takao Kameda, Kokichi Kamiyama, Hideaki Motoyama, Hideki Narita, Hitoshi Shoji, Okitsugu Watanabe (2002) Ice core processing at Dome Fuji Station, Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 275-286. 2002
Patrick Ginot, Felix Stampfli, Dieter Stampfli, Margit Schwikowski, Heinz W Gaggeler (2002) FELICS, a new ice core drilling system for high-altitude glaciers. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 38-48. 2002
Niels S Gundestrup, Sigfús J Johnsen (2002) Attenuation of drill cables. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 206-208. 2002
Niels S Gundestrup, Sigfús J Johnsen, Steffen B Hansen, Hitoshi Shoji, Pavel Talalay, Frank Wilhelms (2002) Sticking deep ice core drills: Why, and how to recover. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 181-195. 2002
Christine S Hvidberg, Jørgen P Steffensen, Henrik B Clausen, Hitoshi Shoji, Sepp Kipfstuhl (2002) The NorthGRIP ice-core logging procedure: description and evaluation. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 5-8. doi: 10.3189/172756402781817293. 2002
Kinji Hyakutake, Atsushi Moribe, Atsushi Miyamoto, Kimiko Shimohara, Hitoshi Shoji (2002) Microscopic observations on microtomed surface of ice. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 295-301. 2002
Bruce R Koci (2002) A review of high-altitude drilling. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 1-4. 2002
Bruce R Koci (2002) Wotan: a drill for ice cube. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 209-216. 2002
Shiro Kohshima, Takayuki Shiraiwa, Maria A Godoi, Keiji Kubota, Nozomu Takeuchi, Kunio Shinbori (2002) Ice core drilling on Southern Patagonia Icefield -Development of a new portable drill and the field expedition in 1999. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 49-58. 2002
Kudryashov BB, Nikolay I Vasiliev, Vostretsov RN, Andrei N Dmitriev, Zubkov VM, Krasilev AV, Pavel Talalay, Barkov NI, Volodya Ya Lipenkov, Jean R Petit (2002) Deep ice coring at Vostok Station (East Antarctica) by electromechanical drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 91-102. 2002
Eric Lefebvre, Laurent Augustin, Marcel Maitre (2002) The EPICA borehole logger. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 264-274. 2002
Atsushi Miyamoto, Hitoshi Shoji, Kinji Hyakutake (2002) The effect of hydrostatic pressure on crack formation in ice single crystals. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 287-294. 2002
Robert Mulvaney, Steven Bremner, Andrew Tait, Neil Audley (2002) A medium-depth ice core drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 82-90. 2002
Akiyoshi Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Fujii, Nobuhiko Azuma, Hideaki Motoyama, Kunio Shinbori, Yoichi Tanaka, Hideki Narita, Yoshiki Nakayama, Takao Kameda, Shuji Fujita, Teruo Furukawa, Morimasa Takata, Morihiro Miyahara, Okitsugu Watanabe (2002) Improvements to the JARE deep ice core drill. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 117-125. 2002
Pavel Talalay, Niels S Gundestrup (2002) Hole fluids for deep ice core drilling. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 148-170. 2002
Pavel Talalay, Niels S Gundestrup (2002) Hydrostatic pressure and fluid density profile in deep ice bore-holes. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 171-180. 2002
Slawek Tulaczyk, David Elliot, Stefan W Vogel, Ross D Powell, John C Priscu, Gary D Clow (2002) FASTDRILL: Interdisciplinary Polar Research Based on Fast Ice-Sheet Drilling. Report of an NSF-Sponsored Workshop Held at University of California, Santa Cruz, October 23-25, 2002, 1-293. 2002
Herbert T Ueda (2002) Some thoughts on deep core drilling systems design. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 2002
Nikolay I Vasiliev, Kudryashov BB (2002) Hydraulic resistance to movement of a drill suspended by a cable in a bore-hole in travels. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 142-147. 2002
Nikolay I Vasiliev (2002) Some features of ice drilling technology by a drill on a hoisting cable. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 136-141. 2002
Verkulich SR, Kudryashov BB, Barkov NI, Nikolay I Vasiliev, Vostretsov RN, Andrei N Dmitriev, Zubkov VM, Krasilev AV, Pavel Talalay, Volodya Ya Lipenkov, Savatyugin LM, Kuz'mina IN (2002) Proposal for penetration and exploration of sub-glacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 245-252. 2002
Victor Zagorodnov, Huffman F, Lonnie G Thompson, Ellen Mosley-Thompson (2002) Controller for portable intermediate depth ice core drilling system. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 321-325. 2002
Victor Zagorodnov, Lonnie G Thompson, Ellen Mosley-Thompson, John J Kelley (2002) Ice core drilling complications. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 196-205. 2002
Victor Zagorodnov, Lonnie G Thompson, Ellen Mosley-Thompson, Huffman F, John J Kelley (2002) Intermediate depth ice core drilling support systems: power generators and shelters. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 313-320. 2002
Victor Zagorodnov, Lonnie G Thompson, Ellen Mosley-Thompson, John J Kelley (2002) Performance of intermediate depth portable ice core drilling system on polar and temperate glaciers. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 56, 67-81. 2002
Hermann F Engelhardt, Barclay Kamb, Robin J Bolsey (2000) A hot-water ice-coring drill. Journal of Glaciology, 46, (153), 341-345. doi: 10.3189/172756500781832873. 2000
Kendrick C Taylor, Richard B Alley, Ed Waddington, David Morse, Thomas A Neumann, Pierre Biscaye, Roger Bales, Lloyd Burckle, Edward Brook, John Castello, Gary D Clow, Chris Fritsen, Karl Kreutz, Gregg Lamorey, Debra Meese, Joseph McConnell, John C Priscu, Scott Rogers, Todd Sowers, Michael Ram, Gregory Zielinski (2000) WAISCORES: A Science and Implementation Plan for Climate, Cryobiology and Ice Dynamics Studies in West Antarctica. Ice Core Working Group, 1-61. 2000
Victor Zagorodnov, Lonnie G Thompson, Ellen Mosley-Thompson (2000) Portable system for intermediate-depth ice-core drilling. Journal of Glaciology, 46, (152), 167-172. doi: 10.3189/172756500781833304. 2000
Simonetta Di Pippo, Raffaele Mugnuolo, Paolo Vielmo, Walter Prendin (1999) The exploitation of Europa ice and water basins:: an assessment on required technological developments, on system design approaches and on relevant expected benefits to space and Earth based activities. Planetary and Space Science, 47, 921-933. doi: 10.1016/S0032-0633(99)00012-4. 1999
Erich Heucke (1999) A Light Portable Steam‐driven Ice Drill Suitable for Drilling Holes in Ice and Firn. Geografiska Annaler, 81, (4), 603-609. doi: 10.1111/1468-0459.00088. 1999
Pavel Talalay, Niels S Gundestrup (1999) Hole fluids for deep ice core drilling: a review. Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, 1-121. doi: 10.2312/report_icedrill .… 1999
Martin Truffer, Motyka RJ, William D Harrison, Keith Echelmeyer, Fisk B, Slawek Tulaczyk (1999) Subglacial drilling at Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A.: drilling method and sample descriptions. Journal of Glaciology, 45, (151), 495-505. doi: 10.3189/S0022143000001350. 1999
Erik W Blake, Cameron P Wake, Michael D Gerasimoff (1998) The ECLIPSE drill: a field-portable intermediate-depth ice-coring drill. Journal of Glaciology, 44, (146), 175-178. doi: 10.3189/S0022143000002471. 1998
Robert B Haehnel (1998) Nonstructural Ice Control. CRREL Special Report 98-14, 1-36. 1998
Jonathan J Halvorson, Donald K McCool, Larry G King, Lawrence W Gatto (1998) Ground Freezing Effects on Soil Erosin of Army Training Lands Part 2: Overwinter Changes to Tracked-Vehicle Ruts, Yakima Training Center, Washington. CRREL Special Report 98-8, 1-46. 1998
Paul A Mayewski, Roger Bales, John Bolzan, Gordon Hamilton, Debra Meese, David Morse, Michael Ram, Todd Sowers, Eric J Steig, Mark S Twickler, Cameron P Wake, Gregory Zielinski (1998) Ice Core Contributions to Global Change Research: Past Successes and Future Directions. Ice Core Working Group, 1-35. 1998
Vin I Morgan, Alan Elcheikh, Russell Brand (1998) Technique for improving core quality in intermediate-depth ice drilling. Journal of Glaciology, 44, (148), 672-673. doi: 1998
Victor Zagorodnov, Lonnie G Thompson, John J Kelley, Mikhalenko V (1998) Antifreeze thermal ice core drilling: an effective approach to the acquisition of ice cores. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 28, (3), 189-202. doi: 10.1016/S0165-232X(98)00019-6. 1998
Mark S Twickler (1997) GISP2 Ice Core Is Long, Continuous and Detailed Record. Witness the Arctic, 5, (1), 1-2. 1997
John J Kelley (1995) Report on the Activities of the Polar Ice Coring Office. ACAR Report 95-01, 1-54. 1995
Virgil Lunardini, John H Rand (1995) Thermal design of an Antarctic water well. CRREL Special Report 95-10, 1-104. 1995
Polar Ice Coring Office - Logistics Department (1995) Happy Valley Camp "How To" Manual. PICO OR-95-02, 1-68. 1995
Polar Ice Coring Office - Logistics Department (1995) Land-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions Flux Study (LAII Flux) After-Operations Report 1994. PICO OR-95-03, 1-24. 1995
Polar Ice Coring Office - Logistics Department (1995) Summit Camp Traverse Information for the AWS and Magic Sites. PICO OR-95-01, 1-32. 1995
Polar Ice Coring Office - Logistics Department (1995) The 1994 Greenland Field Season After Operations Report For NSF-Sponsored Projects. PICO OR-94-05, 1-34. 1995
Bobin NE, Kudryashov BB, Pashkevitch VM, Abyzov SS, Mitskevitch IN (1994) Equipment and methods of microbiological sampling from deep levels of ice in central Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 184-191. 1994
Debendra K Das, S Srikanta Jois (1994) Thermal modeling of ice cores and boreholes via the finite element technique. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 256-280. 1994
Shuji Fujita, Tomomi Yamada, Renji Naruse, Shinji Mae, Nobuhiko Azuma, Yoshiyuki Fujii (1994) Drilling fluid for Dome F Project in Antarctica. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue 49, 347-357. 1994
Dave Giles, Walter H Hancock, John J Kelley, Bruce R Koci, Kerry L Stanford, Victor Zagorodnov (1994) GISP2 Deep Ice Core Drilling. PICO TJC-112, 1-15. 1994