2nd RAID Science Planning Workshop

US Rapid Access Ice Drill (RAID) is ready for Antarctic ice-sheet exploration! With new developments in knowledge of subglacial materials & basal ice-sheet environment, new technologies & micro-instrument methodologies, discovery of very old (up to 4 m.y.) ice from blue ice fields, and an engaged new generation of young cryosphere & solid-earth scientists — we are excited to announce the 2nd planning workshop to reunite the community & articulate the future science that we want to do with RAID! 

Sarah Shackleton (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
John Goodge (Planetary Science Institute)
Allie Balter-Kennedy (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory) 
Shuai Yan (University of Texas Institute for Geophysics)
Jeff Severinghaus (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

Dates: September 25-27, 2024 (including 1/2-day session for Early Career Researchers!) 
Venue: Washington Dulles Marriott Suites hotel, Herndon, VA 
Early-career attendees: Travel support available for 15 participants (by application)
Website: https://www.rapidaccessicedrill.org/2nd-raid-science-planning-workshop/
Expression of Interest deadline: July 15, 2024 
Registration deadline: August 15, 2024 
Costs: No registration fee. Meals will be provided to all participants during the Workshop. Rooms in the Workshop hotel will be available at a discounted rate (participants to pay on their own). Travel support is available for 15 Early Career participants (by application).

Workshop goals — (1) rejuvenate & grow scientific user community for RAID; (2) enable new generation of early-career scientists in cutting-edge Antarctic research; (3) promote inter–disciplinary research synergies, including use of new cryosphere technologies; (4) engage the geophysical community for reconnaissance, site selection & data analysis; (5) help integrate RAID and COLDEX activities; (6) stimulate new cross-disciplinary research & proposal collaborations; (7) develop new concepts to support traverse platforms in Antarctica; and (8) create a new Long-Range Science Plan for RAID based on community research goals & priorities for future drilling. 

We seek a diverse group of participants for this NSF-funded workshop. Be on the lookout for future announcements about expressions of interest & an open call for applications. Please contact one of the conveners if interested in participating. We look forward to seeing you in September!

See updates at https://www.rapidaccessicedrill.org/2nd-raid-science-planning-workshop/.