2023 COLDEX Interdisciplinary Oldest Ice Science Short Course for Early Career Researchers - First Circular

This two-day short course, organized by the Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX; https://coldex.org/), will introduce early career ice core researchers to the various subfields that contribute to the search for, and study of, very old ice, including relevant aspects of Antarctic geologic history, paleoclimatology, glaciology, and ice core chemistry. In addition, participants will learn about communicating old ice science to the public, media and policy makers.

Researchers from the Center for Oldest Ice Exploration and/or invited visitors will present these topics via lectures and interactive activities. Background material including introductory reading and on-line lectures will be provided beforehand to allow more time for in-depth discussions.

The short course will be held from the evening of May 10 through May 12 at Camp Casey on Whidbey Island, Washington, USA (https://casey.spu.edu/) immediately after the US Ice Core Open Science meeting held May 8-10 in Seattle (https://herculesdome.org/us-ice-core-open-science-meeting-2023). Lodging at Camp Casey and all meals will be covered by COLDEX. Transportation by van to Camp Casey from the Open Science meeting venue will be arranged for participants, with transport back to Seattle on Saturday May 13.

Participants not attending the Open Science meeting can arrange to meet the vans in Seattle or arrange their own transport to Camp Casey. While we expect many participants will already be traveling to the Open Science meeting, funds for transportation from home institutions can be requested.

Eligible participants: Graduate students and postdocs working on ice core science or related research. Financial support is limited to postdocs and students at US institutions.

Number of attendees: Approximately 30. If oversubscribed, preference may be given to participants from COLDEX institutions.

Organizing Committee: Michelle Koutnik (University of Washington), John Goodge (University of Minnesota-Duluth), TJ Fudge (University of Washington), Nick Holscuh (Amherst College), Kristen Rahilly (Oregon State University), Christo Buizert (Oregon State University), Heidi Roop (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities), Ed Brook (Oregon State University).

To help in planning, please indicate your interest in attending by filling out this form by March 1: https://forms.gle/Lpg3oJB3yhZZ14nZ9

Dr. Kristen Rahilly, she/her
Director for Education Center for Oldest Ice Exploration, COLDEX